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FSO #WithBrainDamage! To support all those who suffer from this multiple disability

On October 26, National Acquired Brain Injury Day is celebrated, a multiple disability suffered by more than 420,000 people in Spain and organized by the Spanish Brain Injury Federation.
This year FSO wanted to join its visibility campaign that the year past became a trending topic in Jaandny this year they want to take it to the entire country. Can you help us? We have already taken our photo with one hand on the head. In our networks you can see that we are also #ConelDañoCerebral and we join the @NuevaOpciónDCA campaign and @fedacecorg for the #DíaDañoCerebral. And you, are you also #ConelDañoCerebral?
What is Acquired Brain Injury?

It is a sudden injury to the brain that is characterized by its sudden onset and the varied set of consequences it presents depending on the area of the brain injured and the severity of the damage. These consequences cause anomalies in perception, physical, cognitive and emotional alterations.

The main cause of brain damage is stroke, followed by head trauma and diseases such as anoxia, brain tumors or infections. Strokes, also called cerebrovascular accidents (CVAs), are caused by the sudden interruption of blood flow in an area of the brain. The 44% of people who survive a stroke develop severe disability from the resulting damage.

When the origin of the brain injury is a blow, we speak of traumatic brain injury (TBI). Many traumatic brain injuries that cause brain damage occur as a result of a traffic accident. Other situations that can cause it are work accidents, falls or physical attacks.
